Thursday, April 27

More stirfried tofu

Did this a few days ago. Ingredients: Tofu, chinese chives/nira, onion, garlic, dried chillies, oyster sauce.

Pressed the tofu overnight and then cubed it. Sliced the nira, onion, dried chillies and minced the garlic. Heated the wok, added oil, then garlic, onion, and dried chillies in that order. After frying for a very short time (whence the smell of frying chilli filled the room), added the tofu. Stirfried. Added the nira, fried a while longer and finally added a good dollop of oyster sauce. Stirred a few more times and it was done.

Verdict: good.

I had strawberries and yoghurt after that.

Tuesday, April 11

Pork and asparagus

Yesterday morning, fried some pork with asparagus. Ingredients: onion (sliced), garlic (minced), pork (sliced), asparagus (sliced). Fried the sliced onion until it browned and softened, then added the garlic to the pan and fried for a little longer. Added the pork, and near the end the asparagus was thrown in. Seasoning was salt and pepper. Verdict: ok, but could do with some work. Not clear exactly what though. Loved the crunch of asparagus.