Monday, September 25

Improvised dish

Had dinner at a friend's room on Saturday. Someone else made Tom Yum soup. Me, I just went through what was in the fridge and made a stirfry. It consisted of the following: onion, beef (marinated with soya sauce, vinegar, pepper, salt), cabbage, and one egg. No wok, so I used a frying pan. Sliced onions first, followed by the meat, then chopped cabbage and finally broke in the egg near the end. Turned out ok. It was a fun dinner. The Tom Yum soup had no prawns but we used chicken wings instead. Was interesting to watch how it's done. Lime leaves, galangal, fish sauce, tomatoes, onion, the soup base and chicken wings.

Thursday, September 21

Chicken and green peppers

So I haven't been doing much cooking for some time. Picked up the wok again today for a simple stirfry of chicken and green peppers. Used enough starch today for that soft velvety feel on the meat. Delightful.